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شنبه 12 فروردين 1391 |
SURA 34. Saba, or the City of Saba
1. Praise be to Allah, to Whom belong all things in the heavens and on earth: to
Him be Praise in the Hereafter: and He is Full of Wisdom, acquainted with all
2. He knows all that goes into the earth, and all that comes out thereof; all
that comes down from the sky and all that ascends thereto and He is the Most
Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving.
3. The Unbelievers say, "Never to us will come the Hour": Say, "Nay! but most
surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you;- by Him Who knows the unseen,- from
Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is
there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous:
4. That He may reward those who believe and work deeds of righteousness: for
such is Forgiveness and a Sustenance Most Generous."
5. But those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them,- for such will be
a Penalty,- a Punishment most humiliating.
6. And those to whom knowledge has come see that the [Revelation] sent down to
thee from thy Lord - that is the Truth, and that it guides to the Path of the
Exalted [in might], Worthy of all praise.
7. The Unbelievers say [in ridicule]: "Shall we point out to you a man that will
tell you, when ye are all scattered to pieces in disintegration, that ye shall
[then be raised] in a New Creation?
8. "Has he invented a falsehood against Allah, or has a spirit [seized] him?"-
Nay, it is those who believe not in the Hereafter, that are in [real] Penalty,
and in farthest error.
9. See they not what is before them and behind them, of the sky and the earth?
If We wished, We could cause the earth to swallow them up, or cause a piece of
the sky to fall upon them. Verily in this is a Sign for every devotee that turns
to Allah [in repentance].
10. We bestowed Grace aforetime on David from ourselves: "O ye Mountains! Sing
ye back the Praises of Allah with him! and ye birds [also]! And We made the iron
soft for him;-
11. [Commanding], "Make thou coast of mail, balancing well the rings of chain
armour, and work ye righteousness; for be sure I see [clearly] all that ye do."
12. And to Solomon [We made] the Wind [obedient]: Its early morning [stride] was
a month's [journey], and its evening [stride] was a month's [journey]; and We
made a Font of molten brass to flow for him; and there were Jinns that worked in
front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them turned aside from our
command, We made him taste of the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.
13. They worked for him as he desired, [making] arches, images, basins as large
as reservoirs, and [cooking] cauldrons fixed [in their places]: "Work ye, sons
of David, with thanks! but few of My servants are grateful!"
14. Then, when We decreed [Solomon's] death, nothing showed them his death
except a little worm of the earth, which kept [slowly] gnawing away at his
staff: so when he fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the
unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating Penalty [of their Task].
15. There was, for Saba, aforetime, a Sign in their home-land - two Gardens to
the right and to the left. "Eat of the Sustenance [provided] by your Lord, and
be grateful to Him: a territory fair and happy, and a Lord Oft-Forgiving!
16. But they turned away [from Allah], and We sent against them the Flood
[released] from the dams, and We converted their two garden [rows] into
"gardens" producing bitter fruit, and tamarisks, and some few [stunted] Lote-
17. That was the Requital We gave them because they ungratefully rejected Faith:
and never do We give [such] requital except to such as are ungrateful rejecters.
18. Between them and the Cities on which We had poured our blessings, We had
placed Cities in prominent positions, and between them We had appointed stages
of journey in due proportion: "Travel therein, secure, by night and by day."
19. But they said: "Our Lord! Place longer distances between our journey-
stages": but they wronged themselves [therein]. At length We made them as a tale
[that is told], and We dispersed them all in scattered fragments. Verily in this
are Signs for every [soul that is] patiently constant and grateful.
20. And on them did Satan prove true his idea, and they followed him, all but a
party that believed.
21. But he had no authority over them,- except that We might test the man who
believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt concerning it: and thy Lord
doth watch over all things.
22. Say: "Call upon other [gods] whom ye fancy, besides Allah: They have no
power,- not the weight of an atom,- in the heavens or on earth: No [sort of]
share have they therein, nor is any of them a helper to Allah.
23. "No intercession can avail in His Presence, except for those for whom He has
granted permission. So far [is this the case] that, when terror is removed from
their hearts [at the Day of Judgment, then] will they say, 'what is it that your
Lord commanded?' they will say, 'That which is true and just; and He is the Most
High Most Great'."
24. Say: "Who gives you sustenance, from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is
Allah; and certain it is that either we or ye are on right guidance or in
manifest error!"
25. Say: "Ye shall not be questioned as to our sins, nor shall we be questioned
as to what ye do."
26. Say: "Our Lord will gather us together and will in the end decide the matter
between us [and you] in truth and justice: and He is the one to decide, the One
Who knows all."
27. Say: "Show me those whom ye have joined with Him as partners: by no means
[can ye]. Nay, He is Allah, the Exalted in Power, the Wise."
28. We have not sent thee but as a universal [Messenger] to men, giving them
glad tidings, and warning them [against sin], but most men understand not.
29. They say: "When will this promise [come to pass] if ye are telling the
30. Say: "The appointment to you is for a Day, which ye cannot put back for an
hour nor put forward."
31. The Unbelievers say: "We shall neither believe in this scripture nor in
[any] that [came] before it." Couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be
made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word [of blame] on one
another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Had it not
been for you, we should certainly have been believers!"
32. The arrogant ones will say to those who had been despised: "Was it we who
kept you back from Guidance after it reached you? Nay, rather, it was ye who
33. Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Nay! it was a
plot [of yours] by day and by night: Behold! Ye [constantly] ordered us to be
ungrateful to Allah and to attribute equals to Him!" They will declare [their]
repentance when they see the Penalty: We shall put yokes on the necks of the
Unbelievers: It would only be a requital for their [ill] Deeds.
34. Never did We send a warner to a population, but the wealthy ones among them
said: "We believe not in the [Message] with which ye have been sent."
35. They said: "We have more in wealth and in sons, and we cannot be punished."
36. Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Provision to whom He
pleases, but most men understand not."
37. It is not your wealth nor your sons, that will bring you nearer to Us in
degree: but only those who believe and work righteousness - these are the ones
for whom there is a multiplied Reward for their deeds, while secure they
[reside] in the dwellings on high!
38. Those who strive against Our Signs, to frustrate them, will be given over
into Punishment. 39. Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Sustenance to such of his
servants as He pleases: and nothing do ye spend in the least [in His cause] but
He replaces it: for He is the Best of those who grant Sustenance.
40. One Day He will gather them all together, and say to the angels, "Was it you
that these men used to worship?"
341. They will say, "Glory to Thee! our [tie] is with Thee - as Protector - not
with them. Nay, but they worshipped the Jinns: most of them believed in them."
42. So on that Day no power shall they have over each other, for profit or harm:
and We shall say to the wrong-doers, "Taste ye the Penalty of the Fire,- the
which ye were wont to deny!"
43. When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, they say, "This is only a man
who wishes to hinder you from the [worship] which your fathers practised." And
they say, "This is only a falsehood invented!" and the Unbelievers say of the
Truth when it comes to them, "This is nothing but evident magic!"
44. But We had not given them Books which they could study, nor sent messengers
to them before thee as Warners.
45. And their predecessors rejected [the Truth]; these have not received a tenth
of what We had granted to those: yet when they rejected My messengers, how
[terrible] was My rejection [of them]!
46. Say: "I do admonish you on one point: that ye do stand up before Allah,- [It
may be] in pairs, or [it may be] singly,- and reflect [within yourselves]: your
Companion is not possessed: he is no less than a warner to you, in face of a
terrible Penalty."
47. Say: "No reward do I ask of you: it is [all] in your interest: my reward is
only due from Allah: And He is witness to all things."
48. Say: "Verily my Lord doth cast the [mantle of] Truth [over His servants],-
He that has full knowledge of [all] that is hidden."
49. Say: "The Truth has arrived, and Falsehood neither creates anything new, nor
restores anything."
50. Say: "If I am astray, I only stray to the loss of my own soul: but if I
receive guidance, it is because of the inspiration of my Lord to me: it is He
Who hears all things, and is [ever] near."
51. If thou couldst but see when they will quake with terror; but then there
will be no escape [for them], and they will be seized from a position [quite]
52. And they will say, "We do believe [now] in the [Truth]"; but how could they
receive [Faith] from a position [so far off,-
53. Seeing that they did reject Faith [entirely] before, and that they
[continually] cast [slanders] on the unseen from a position far off?
54. And between them and their desires, is placed a barrier, as was done in the
past with their partisans: for they were indeed in suspicious [disquieting]
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![]() نویسنده : Mehran zargari
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